
Here at the Olga Iglesias Project, we are committed to continuing the awareness, education, and influence of Puerto Rico’s classical music heritage. With the use of modern technology, and a contemporary approach, we believe we can fully harness the timelessness of classical music within Puerto Rican culture. Our videos will include vintage original footage of performances from the Casals Festivals of the 1960s and 1970s, exclusive interviews with artists and figures, documentary series, and more.

Check out some of our videos below.

Who was Olga Iglesias, soprano, & her role in Pablo Caslas' "El Pessebre".

“El Pessebre” by Pablo Casals: What is it about? And why was it so important to Maestro Pau Casals?

Justino Diaz Interview: His Early Years Working with Pablo Casals, Olga Iglesias, and Leontyne Price.

Henry Hutchinson, Jr. interview about the careers of his parents Luz & Henry Hutchinson, Sr. in PR

Henry Hutchinson Negrón PR Symphony Orchestra Concertmaster reacts to works by Jose E. Pedreira

Roselín Pabón: A Conversation About Jesús María Sanromá and His Career in Puerto Rico as a Conductor